Living Water Service Trip
Come join us in Duluth this summer as we answer God’s call to serve others. We will enjoy plenty of fun adventures along the way as we learn to show up in this world through service to others. Trip dates are June 13th – 16th. This trip is for completed 5th graders through completed 7th graders.

TRIP DATES: June 13-16
COST: $350
Partial scholarships are available upon request. Our goal is that this trip is financially accessible for all interested participants.
Please provide a non-refundable deposit of $150 upon registration. The second payment of $100 is due May 1st. Final payment of $100 is due June 1st. Once a payment due date is reached, that payment is no longer refundable.

Parents/Caregivers, we need 1 male & 1 female leader to accompany us on this journey. For all volunteer leaders, the trip expense is covered, we just ask that you cover any "on your own" meals. Please contact Eric if you have questions. When registering, select the ’Service Trip Leader’ option.

Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to be a member to participate in activities at SOLLC?Membership is not required to worship with us or be involved here.
Do you have a nursery?We currently do not have a nursery. We do, however, have spaces during worship that have been created for little ones. There is a wiggle area in the upper sanctuary with toys and chairs, a room in the lower sanctuary where kids and parents can gather, and we have tables and chairs in the lower worship area for families to sit together while children color, play or read.
Can I take Communion if I am not Lutheran?Yes, all are welcome to participate in Communion here at SOLLC.
Can I rent space?Yes, you can. Please contact Kari Unruh at kariunruh@sollc.org for more information.
How do I get a name on the prayer list?Follow this link and simply add the name.