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Livestream Worship

Worship together with your Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church community! Church is not a place. Being physically present is not the only way to gather.

September - May at 9:00am and 10:30am

June - Labor Day Weekend at 9:00am


Join us online live below or watch the playback whenever it works for you.

December 8 Worship | 10:30 am

December 8 Worship | 10:30 am

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December 8 Worship | 10:30 am

December 8 Worship | 10:30 am

December marks the beginning of the liturgical calendar. We also enter the season of Advent, and we prepare for Jesus’ birth at Christmas. For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, we also await the return of light, as the days get longer following the Winter Solstice. With all these fresh starts, our worship theme for the month will be EXPLORATION OF ARRIVAL. When someone or something is about to arrive, we anticipate, we invite, we make room, and we get excited. Join us at Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church as we explore the experience of waiting, longing, and hoping, with eyes toward the future... ARRIVAL is near! Connect with us: • Submit a Prayer Request: • Get Involved: • Receive our newsletter: • Serve with SOLLC: • Give Online: Wherever you are on your faith journey, we will meet you there. We value curiosity, questions, and conversations. We invite you to safely explore your beliefs and spirituality in a supportive community of people who are doing the same. Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church #shepherdofthelake #sollc #priorlakelife #lakelife #exploringfaith All copyright content is used by permission and/or licensed for performance and/or print/viewing under the following licenses: CCLI #2373033 | One License A-704025 | CCS #8267 | the Envato Elements License | Sunday's and & (NRSVUE)
December 8 Worship | 9:00 am

December 8 Worship | 9:00 am

December marks the beginning of the liturgical calendar. We also enter the season of Advent, and we prepare for Jesus’ birth at Christmas. For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, we also await the return of light, as the days get longer following the Winter Solstice. With all these fresh starts, our worship theme for the month will be EXPLORATION OF ARRIVAL. When someone or something is about to arrive, we anticipate, we invite, we make room, and we get excited. Join us at Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church as we explore the experience of waiting, longing, and hoping, with eyes toward the future... ARRIVAL is near! Connect with us: • Submit a Prayer Request: • Get Involved: • Receive our newsletter: • Serve with SOLLC: • Give Online: Wherever you are on your faith journey, we will meet you there. We value curiosity, questions, and conversations. We invite you to safely explore your beliefs and spirituality in a supportive community of people who are doing the same. Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church #shepherdofthelake #sollc #priorlakelife #lakelife #exploringfaith All copyright content is used by permission and/or licensed for performance and/or print/viewing under the following licenses: CCLI #2373033 | One License A-704025 | CCS #8267 | the Envato Elements License | Sunday's and & (NRSVUE)
December 1 Worship | 10:30 am

December 1 Worship | 10:30 am

Happy New (Church) Year! Sunday, December 1 marks the beginning of the liturgical calendar. Of course, we also enter the season of Advent, and prepare for Jesus’ birth at Christmas. For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, we also await the return of light, as the days get longer following the Winter Solstice. With all these fresh starts, our worship theme for the month will be EXPLORATION OF ARRIVAL. When someone or something is about to arrive, we anticipate, we invite, we make room, and we get excited. Join us at Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church as we explore the experience of waiting, longing, and hoping, with eyes toward the future... ARRIVAL is near! Connect with us: • Submit a Prayer Request: • Get Involved: • Receive our newsletter: • Serve with SOLLC: • Give Online: Wherever you are on your faith journey, we will meet you there. We value curiosity, questions, and conversations. We invite you to safely explore your beliefs and spirituality in a supportive community of people who are doing the same. Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church #shepherdofthelake #sollc #priorlakelife #lakelife #exploringfaith All copyright content is used by permission and/or licensed for performance and/or print/viewing under the following licenses: CCLI #2373033 | One License A-704025 | CCS #8267 | the Envato Elements License | Sunday's and & (NRSVUE)
December 1 Worship | 9:00 am

December 1 Worship | 9:00 am

Happy New (Church) Year! Sunday, December 1 marks the beginning of the liturgical calendar. Of course, we also enter the season of Advent, and prepare for Jesus’ birth at Christmas. For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, we also await the return of light, as the days get longer following the Winter Solstice. With all these fresh starts, our worship theme for the month will be EXPLORATION OF ARRIVAL. When someone or something is about to arrive, we anticipate, we invite, we make room, and we get excited. Join us at Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church as we explore the experience of waiting, longing, and hoping, with eyes toward the future... ARRIVAL is near! Connect with us: • Submit a Prayer Request: • Get Involved: • Receive our newsletter: • Serve with SOLLC: • Give Online: Wherever you are on your faith journey, we will meet you there. We value curiosity, questions, and conversations. We invite you to safely explore your beliefs and spirituality in a supportive community of people who are doing the same. Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church #shepherdofthelake #sollc #priorlakelife #lakelife #exploringfaith All copyright content is used by permission and/or licensed for performance and/or print/viewing under the following licenses: CCLI #2373033 | One License A-704025 | CCS #8267 | the Envato Elements License | Sunday's and & (NRSVUE)
November 24 Worship | 10:30 am
November 24 Worship | 9:00 am
November 17 Worship | 10:30 am
November 17 Worship | 9:00 am
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